Timber Baron | Forestry Service Northern BC


Air Curtain Burning

Trust us to assist you with your waste wood disposal.

Air Curtain Burning

Largest Air Curtain Burning Contractor in Western Canada

Air Curtain Burning

Certified Visible Emission Evaluators

Specialized Equipment

Innovative equipment for difficult terrain

Road Building

30+ Years of experience building Forest Service roads in Northern BC.

Open Burning

24 Hour Burning Operations

Grubbing and Clearing

Steep slope and difficult terrain experts

Grubbing and Clearing

Grubbing and Clearing photo

Timber Baron has the equipment and capacity to take on large and small grubbing and clearing projects.  With our experienced operators, we always looks forward to collaborating with our customers, difficult terrain, and meeting project deadlines.  


Click here to see some of our past projects such as the Northwest Transmission Line where we competed 30km's of right of way clearing our look in our photo gallery.