Timber Baron | Forestry Service Northern BC


Air Curtain Burning

Largest Air Curtain Burning Contractor in Western Canada

Open Burning

24 Hour Burning Operations

Specialized Equipment

Innovative equipment for difficult terrain

Road Building

30+ Years of experience building Forest Service roads in Northern BC.

Air Curtain Burning

Trust us to assist you with your waste wood disposal.

Grubbing and Clearing

Steep slope and difficult terrain experts

Air Curtain Burning

Certified Visible Emission Evaluators

Past Projects

Rio Tinto Alcan- Kitimat Modernization Project

Construction waste can accumulate very fast in a large scale project such as this. We managed this large scale wood waste by mobilizing four Air Curtain Burners and supporting equipment directly to the RTA site.  Waste wood material included pallets, crates and other vegetation debris.  Site preparation and sorting equipment were also used onsite to assist with burning and to ensure quality control. Click here to see some photos from our gallery.

Northwest Transmission Line- BC Hydro

Timber Baron had a very close working relationship with Nass Area Enterprises Ltd., a Nisga'a Lisims Government subsidiary, on BC Hydro's Northwest Transmission Line.  This line ran from Terrace approximately 344km's North to Bob Quinn Lake.  TBC was responsible for a 30km section of the Right of Way clearing which included all road upgrades, 20 km's of new road construction, all grubbing and clearing, and waste wood management.  Our Air Curtain Burners were used throughout the 7 km section which was in close proximity to the community of New Aiyansh and their municipal watershed.  TBC was also involved in  setting up and managing a log sort yard to handle 40,000m3 of merchantable timber from the Nisga'a section of the Northwest Transmission Line.  Click here to see some photos from our gallery.

Pacific Trails Pipeline - Chevron

While on the the PTP project Timber Baron assisted as a sub-contractor with forestry activities along the Right of Way.

  • Feller bunching, skidding, processing, log loading and log hauling 
  • Long reach excavator – used to clean creeks, rip rap placement and waste wood piling on Right of Way
Terrace Community Forest

Timber Baron works closely with Terrace Community Forest for commercial thinning projects within their forest license located near Terrace, BC.  Timber Baron is responsible for end to end operations which includes all harvesting, processing and hauling operations.  As the Terrace Community Forest is a nonprofit organization, all proceeds are distributed to local organizations that are in need of funding.

Owned and Operated Forest License A16884
  • Previously owned and operated TFL A16884 with 289,000m3 per year annual allowable cut
    • Performed all engineering and silviculture in house
    • Performed and managed all road building
    • Preformed and managed all logging activities
    • Owned and operated 200 man camp

Log Sort Yard and Container Loading Facility

  • Owned and operated multiple sort yards in Stewart, Prince Rupert, Haida Gwaii and Terrace BC.
    • First company in Northwest to load containers for raw log export to Japan, Korea and China.  Loaded over 10,000 sea containers which were exported to Asia
    • First company with portable log debarker in Northwest to achieve phytosanitary certificate from Canadian Food Inspection Agency for approval for log exports to China
    • 12 - 40ft container chassis and highway tractors to deliver and receive containers from Maher Terminal in Prince Rupert, BC

Click here to see some photos from our gallery.

BC Timber Sales

Timber Baron also purchases local Timber Sales to harvest and market the merchantable wood.  Over its history, Timber Baron has completed in excess of 100 Timber Sales ranging in areas from Hadia Gwaii to Stewart, BC.  Timber Baron performs all harvesting, road building, processing and hauling in-house which allows for a coordinated effort that is time efficient and economical.  Traditionally, we have also handled our own log sorting and marketing to ensure  maximum value is obtained from the stand we are harvesting.